F**k Off Back To Eton – The David Cameron ‘busker’ affair

robin vs cameron

Oh golly gosh, I was up in Northumberland to see my Nana for a peaceful break after the ‘Three Acres And A Cow‘ spring tour, when a nasty big blue bus cut me up on my bike… and then I had a little unplanned chance to sing to David Cameron… Quite an unexpected bit of serendipity perhaps?

This interview is a good place to start if you want to know my thoughts – http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/david-camerons-ukulele-busker-i-thought-f-off-back-to-eton-was-a-bit-crass-but-it-came-from-the-heart-10177329.html

Due to popular demand I have begun a campaign to get ‘F**k off back to Eton’ to number 1 during the general election – subscribe here to be kept in the loop with updates – http://eepurl.com/bjZrGr

Here is a chord sheet, I’d love to hear your version – use the hashtag #fuckoffbacktoeton on twitter and I’ll find it – download the chord sheet and lyrics to ‘F**k Off Back To Eton