#fuckoffbacktoEton launch Monday 7pm at Occupy Democracy, Parliament Square


The ‘Fuck Off Back To Eton’ for #1 launch will take place at 7pm on Monday, Parliament Square c/o Occupy Democracy.

You can hear the track below and buy it via iTunes, Spotify and others from Monday. Proceeds from sales will go to the Radical Housing Network and the Land Workers Alliance after I have given a bit of money to people who have given up their time to make the video and record the song.

itunes – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/f**k-off-back-to-eton-single/id990963507?ls=1
spotify – http://open.spotify.com/album/5lCtMbWJklZFohBOc1jJ9F

F**k Off Back To Eton – The David Cameron ‘busker’ affair

robin vs cameron

Oh golly gosh, I was up in Northumberland to see my Nana for a peaceful break after the ‘Three Acres And A Cow‘ spring tour, when a nasty big blue bus cut me up on my bike… and then I had a little unplanned chance to sing to David Cameron… Quite an unexpected bit of serendipity perhaps?

This interview is a good place to start if you want to know my thoughts – http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/david-camerons-ukulele-busker-i-thought-f-off-back-to-eton-was-a-bit-crass-but-it-came-from-the-heart-10177329.html

Due to popular demand I have begun a campaign to get ‘F**k off back to Eton’ to number 1 during the general election – subscribe here to be kept in the loop with updates – http://eepurl.com/bjZrGr

Here is a chord sheet, I’d love to hear your version – use the hashtag #fuckoffbacktoeton on twitter and I’ll find it – download the chord sheet and lyrics to ‘F**k Off Back To Eton