Sashes and Sabotage – a new song for Emily Davison and the Woman’s suffrage movement

I’ve had a fabulous few days working on a song about Emily Davison and the role of property destruction in the fight for women’s suffrage. I’d love to know what you make of it:

…with thanks to Rachel Rose Reid and Tim Ralphs for their feedback and support.

Sashes and Sabotage

A hundredth anniversary day, so many with big words to say.
Have you been turning in the grave, oh Emily fair?

Your sisters they fought hard for years, to a backdrop of patriarchs’ jeers.
When justice has failed, ‘deeds not words’ was the call.

How to push with persistence, when they’re mocking and laughing at you?

Sashes and sabotage, bombs and rocks too,
Hammers on windows, armed drills at noon.
Cut down the power lines, burn the place down,
Soon they’ll take notice all over this land!

A politician just said your name, whilst they clamping down on protest again.
I know we must fight and I hope we will honour your dream.

But oh my we’ve become so meek, just hashtags and turning the cheek
I look to your deeds and they speak to me loud and so true

But how to get their attention? So many wrongs to undo!

Sashes and sabotage, bombs and rocks too,
Hammers on windows, armed drills at noon.
Cut down the power lines, burn the place down,
Soon they’ll take notice all over this land!

I didn’t read this in the history books that somebody gave me at school
All men and dates, but I’ve learnt in time, the fine things that women did do!

chorus x 2