On a quest to develop my creative writing skills I have just discovered that I know nothing about the technical fundamentals of writing poetry. My bad, as the kids seem wont to say.
I have been lent an amazing book to help deflower my poetic innocence titled ‘The Ode Lesson Travelled‘. It is written by Mr Stephen Fry, a hero of mine who once promised me tea and cake in a letter but this never materialised due to his busy filming schedule!
…anyways, I have been having so much fun learning about iambic pentameter, enjambment and caesura I thought I might share some of my early efforts with the world!
Removed from industry, the morning came
So silently my heart began to sing.
My marmite chops, already serviced by
The toasters toil, retired back upstairs.
Awake! Awake! Awake! Tell me what dreams
Do stir this soul away from sacred sleep?
At peace; the lists exhausted; now to my pen
I will go swiftly till we are found out.
Wanting for nothing, apart from another
warm body to hold this body to theirs.
There we go, that was painless… now for chapter four.