Harvest Stomp @ the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park – Saturday 25th September


harvest-stomp_smallI will be performing as part of ‘The Harvest Stomp‘ at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Saturday 25th September at 12.55pm. Joining me will be Basia Bartz on violin and Caitlin Roberts on accordion.

There will be arts, craft, dancing, theatre and other merriment.

Timber Lodge, Honour Lea Avenue, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, E20 1DY. More info can be found here – https://www.groundwork.org.uk/Sites/london/pages/harveststomp

Smugglers Trail festival in Peterborough

Really looking forward to performing as part of this excellent day of music and mischief at The Green Backyard in Peterborough next month. It is organised by the team behind the Smugglers Festival in Kent so you can be assured that it will be a great day.

I will be joined by Basia Bartz on violin which will be a treat – it is our first gig together in over a year. Please join us.

Tickets and more info here – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/smugglers-trail-peterborough-tickets-24998873303#
smugglers pboro

Metal Harvest festival in Cathedral Square, Peterborough

2015-09-02 18.24.25

In a few weeks time I am performing as part of Metal’s Harvest festival in Cathedral Square, Peterborough backed by Peterborough Take Note choir. The set is going to be John Ball, Three Acres and A Cow followed by Woodman, Spare That Tree.

I’m really looking forward to sharing the arrangements, they sound amazing with forty people singing together. We will be performing on the Sunday lunchtime during the community feast somewhere around the 2pm mark.

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